Friday, September 25, 2009

Saturday Painting Palooza Vol.216

Hello again painting fans.

This week we'll be starting an entirely new painting.

The photo that I will be using is seen directly below.

I'll be using my usual acrylics on an 8x10 canvas.

I took this photo on my trip out west this summer. It shows a trailhead going toward one of the buttes in Sedona, Arizona. I particulary like how the butte to the rear has distant faded colors.

I wanted to begin by painting an outline of the butte, the dominant element. Simple enough, but it had to be placed to allow the other elements appropriate space. I actually added marks on the canvas to properly orient things.

The current state of the painting is seen directly below.

Note the marks below that I used to place the butte. They divide the canvas roughly in quarters. I was less concerned about the north/south placement. Note further that I've actually already added a layer of paint to the sky. Of course this blue is only the first layer for all that will come.

That's about it for now. Next week I'll have more progress to show you. See you then. As always, feel free to add photos of your own work in the comments section below.

Earlier paintings in this series can be seen here.

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Friday, September 18, 2009

Saturday Painting Palooza Vol.215

Hello again painting fans.

This week we'll be continuing with our 2 new paintings.

The photos that I will be using are seen directly below.  The first photo shows the Monument Rocks in Kansas.  Seen below that photo is one depicting a decrepit 1950 Hudson.

I'll be using my usual acrylics on 8x10 canvases.

For this week's installment, I've continued with the old Hudson.

When last seen the painting appeared as it does in the photo directly below.

Since that time I've continued to work on the painting.

I've addressed several areas of the painting. One change was necessitated by an accident. Some blue paint was inadvertently placed on the foreground pavement. I made lemonade with my lemon and blended the blue while adding a bit more. It worked out fairly well.

The car to the right rear has had its wheel adjusted for size. It is now appropriate to the car.

The car to the left rear is now complete. It has a few details and a shadow beneath.

Finally, the sky has been painted in a cream color. I intended to carry the ochre color through to another area of the painting, mixing it with white paint. It doesn't seem to do that but does provide a nice offset for the other elements.

With that, the painting is complete.

The current (and final) state of the painting is seen in the photo directly below.

(Unfortunately my photography doesn't quite do it justice.)

That's about it for now. Next week I'll have a new piece to show you. See you then. As always, feel free to add photos of your own work in the comments section below.

Earlier paintings in this series can be seen here.

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Friday, September 11, 2009

Saturday Painting Palooza Vol.214 Nonautomotive Edition

Hello again painting fans.

This week we'll be taking a diversion from our our 2 current paintings, the source photos of which are seen directly below.

Instead, I've used my usual acrylics on a 5x7 canvas of a decidedly different nature.

I've just recently returned from Zion National Park in southern Utah where not only are the citizens red, the rocks are too. My partners in this undertaking were madame boran and the 10 year old boran2 boy. As if the gorgeous scenery wasn't stimulation enough, the b2 boy provided addtional "entertainment" with his recent acquisition of a fake accent that can best be described as a cross between that of Groucho Marx and The Fonz. A clearer illustration of TV's impact has rarely been seen. In any event, he does have his mother's fine ear for such things.

While there, we hiked, admiring the tall jagged peaks, lulled by the sounds of the Virgin River, the abundant birds and a little boy's contrived Bronx accent. Actually, the park offers a variety of trails of differing difficulty. The Pa Rus Trail provided our first taste of things. It runs along the floor of the valley with the peaks towering along both sides. This trail is mostly level and paved. As such, it is accessible to both bicycles and wheelchairs. It was here that I became taken with the park.

I was inspired to paint the image seen directly below.

It was painted from a photo as my last attempt at plein air painting was disastrous. The scene is later in the day, toward the time of sunset. I did it fairly quickly, without the fuss and revisions that sometimes take place during the process.

During the last 5 years, I've carried similar small canvases on our summer vacations. Each time, I've usually painted the scenery on the trip. This is probably the most satisfying of all 5.

That's about it for now. Next week I'll have more progress to show you. See you then. As always, feel free to add photos of your own work in the comments section below.

Earlier paintings in this series can be seen here.

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Saturday, September 05, 2009

Saturday Painting Palooza Vol.213

Hello again painting fans.

This week we'll be continuing with our 2 new paintings.

The photos that I will be using are seen directly below.  The first photo shows the Monument Rocks in Kansas.  Seen below that photo is one depicting a decrepit 1950 Hudson.

I'll be using my usual acrylics on 8x10 canvases.

For this week's installment, I've continued with the old Hudson.

When last seen the painting appeared as it does in the photo directly below.

Since that time I've continued to work on the painting.

This week's installment is, once again and for the last time, beimg posted remotely and, again, I have only limited changes to show. The car to the extreme rear right has now been difined. It is now seen in a shade of blue too much like that of the Hudson's interior. I am inclined to change it to a gray or other color consistent with the color of other elements in the painting. As a general rule, it is a good idea to carry colors through to multiple elements of a painting. It brings a consistency and unity to a painting.

In addition, I'm not happy with the size of the new car's rear wheel, or at least the part that shows. It is too large and will change along with the car's color.

For next week's installment I'll finally be moving on to the background.

The current state of the painting is seen in the photo directly below.

That's about it for now. Next week I'll have more progress to show you. See you then. As always, feel free to add photos of your own work in the comments section below.

Earlier paintings in this series can be seen here.

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More Sedona

One more shot of Sedona.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

The Red Planet Diner, Sedona, Az.

Take me to your food critic.

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